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Aloe Vera Plant


Your guts little helpers.

There are many herbs that can help to support your journey on the way to good gut health. 

Hanging Herbs


These herbal helpers can help to soothe, calm, nourish, and support your gut health in so many ways.

Herbal tincture making


Many people are not aware, but pills are actually one of the worst ways to use herbs. 

Herbs have many properties and effects that can only be had when they are  tasted or smelled. So if you just swallow a pill you will miss out on so much.

In addition, many companies hide inferior, or old herbs inside of a pill because they know it will never be noticed that way.

Tinctures, elixers, teas, and infusions are the best way to take herbs for the most beneficial effect.

These also are much easier on the digestive tract and start to work faster than pills.

Aloe Vera Plant


Aloe is probably the most well known digestive herb. 

It has so many incredible uses. 

Aloe acts as a digestive bitter, while also hydrating, soothing and calming the digestive tract.

There is a lot you need to know when choose an aloe vera.

From color, thickness, adulteration, preservatives and more, there a lot of factors that can help you determine a proper aloe vera product.

aloe vera leaves


There are many species of aloe vera. Some such as cape aloe are simply laxatives and do not have the nourishing benefits of traditional aloe.

The species of aloe of you want to use is called Aloe Barbadensis.

Aloe Vera inner leaf


When using aloe vera it is important to only use the inner portion. The outer portion contains compounds that can cause a lot of intestinal issues including a harsh, stimulant laxative called aloin.

Make sure your aloe is free of this.

aloe vera inner filet


Aloe should be taken in liquid form. 

Pills, powders, and concentrates are put through harsh processes which can damage many of the fragile compounds.

In addition a lot of the benefits of aloe vera start in the mouth, so taking a pill will cause you to miss out on many of the benefits.

aloe vera inner leaf


If you have ever opened an aloe vera leaf, you know that the inside is thick and jelly like.

Good aloe juice is cold pressed, not filtered from the inner filet, so it will be a bit thinner than the inside of an aloe leaf.

Unfortunately, some companies will first filter the aloe and then add thickeners such as carrageenan to them to give the appearance of being jelly like. Adding thickeners is a cheap, dirty trick. 


Many of the beneficial compounds in aloe, such as the incredibly important and hydrating pectin, are lost when aloe is filtered.

So avoid products that are filtered as many of the benefits will have been removed through filtering and other processing techiniques.

aloe vera gel


Your liquid aloe should be about the same color as the gel inside of a fresh leaf.

If your aloe is brown, it means it has oxidized. 

Brown aloe indicates that proper care was not taken during the manufacturing process. Aloe must be processed inside of a vacuum, in order to prevent it from oxidizing.

Aloe that looks and tastes like water, has had nearly all of its beneficial compounds removed through distillation. All that remains is a bit of sulfur. Aloe should not taste and look like spring water! 

aloe vera inner leaf


Many aloe vera products contain preservatives such as potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate.

This are not necessary when a product is manufactured properly. 

If you see these ingredients then you know that manufacturing was done with an eye on cost savings, not quality.

All aloe vera liquids need, when processed properly, is a bit of citric acid or lemon juice, to stabilize the ph.

aloe vera leaves


One of the most beneficial effects that aloe vera has is as a bitter. 

Flavorings, juices, and sweeteners mask the taste and will reduce the benefits you receive from it.

Most people have only tasted aloe vera products that were improperly tasted, or contained large amounts of the bitter outer leaf. 

Aloe vera actually has a much better taste than that.

You want the aloe to taste like aloe!

aloe vera slices


Many aloe vera products are adulterated with maltodextrin. You won't see it on the label or know it has been added.

This is done by manufacturers in order to cheat certain tests.

We will be making a video shortly to show you how you can see if your aloe has been adulterated with maltodextrin.

aloe vera plant


Polysaccharide testing is often done to show how "active" or beneficial an aloe is. 

This compounds are just one of many important constituents in aloe. 

Focusing on how much of a particular compound is in the aloe is the wrong way to look at it.

Plants are not isolated compounds. How the various constituents interact with each other is a huge part of their benefit.

In addition, many aloe vera products contain added polysaccharides or other adulterents to cheat the testing, so even if they were the most important compounds, the testing is not reliable.

Raw aloe juice


Finding a good aloe vera, that met all of our criteria was not easy.

We looked at and tested over 50 brands of aloe vera.

Thankfully we were able to find one that met our high standards and are so excited to bring you this incredible farm-to-bottle aloe vera

You can finally experience the full potential that aloe has to offer!

aloe vera leaves


Start slow when taking aloe vera and gradually increase the dosage, up to three ounces per day.

It is best taken 10-15 minutes before a meal. 

Make sure to shake it well and keep it in the fridge.



These are bitter tasting herbs that are taken  before meals to help support and enhance digestive function.


They help to support the proper release digestive compounds such as enzymes, bile, and much more.


Bitters are one of the best ways to support healthy digestion and are especially helpful for gas and bloating.

How to take:


5-10 minutes before a meal, place 5-10 drops directly under the tongue.

Check out our choice for farm-to-bottle digestive bitters, formulated and grown by an incredible herbalist.



Not only is burdock a great prebiotic, it helps to support the healthy secretion of bile.

Insufficient bile secretions can lead to dry hard stools, constipation, and poor digestion of fats.

How to take:

5-10 minutes before a meal, place 5-10 drops directly under the tongue.

Check out our choice for farm-to-bottle burdock root, formulated and grown by an incredible herbalist.

Dandelion flowers


Dandelion helps to support gut motility and healthy pancreatic function. 

How to take:

5-10 minutes before a meal, place 5-10 drops directly under the tongue.

Check out our choice for farm-to-bottle dandelion, formulated and grown by an incredible herbalist.



Ginger is one the best herbs for digestion.

It helps to relieve nausea, supports gastric motility, and healthy digestive secretions and function.

How to take:

For digestive support:

5-10 minutes before a meal, place 5-10 drops directly under the tongue.

For gastric motility:

10 drops under the tongue, between meals, 2-3 times per day, on an empty stomach 

Check out our choice for farm-to-bottle ginger root, formulated by an incredible herbalist.

licorice root


Licorice helps to soothe and calm irritated digestive and esophageal  tissues.

It also helps to support a healthy bacterial balance in the stomach.

How to take:

Take 10-20 drops in water, 2-3 times per day between meals.

Do not use licorice if you take blood pressure medication, have high blood pressure, heart, or kidney problems.

Check out our choice for farm-to-bottle licorice root, formulated and grown by an incredible herbalist.

Marshmallow Root


Marshmallow root is one the most soothing digestive herbs.

It is one of the best demulcent herbs, helping to calm and protect the delicate mucous membranes.

How to take:

20 drops in water, 2-3 times a day between meals.

Check our choice for farm-to-bottle marshmallow root, formulated and grown by an incredible herbalist.

bees on milk thistle


Milk thistle helps to support healthy bile flow and gallbladder function.

How to take:

20 drops in water, 2-3 times a day between meals.

Check out our choice for farm-to-bottle milk thistle seed, formulated and grown by an incredible herbalist.

slippery elm bark


The dried inner bark of the Slippery Elm tree is rich in mucilaginous demulcent and emollient compounds that help to calm irritated mucus membranes in the gut on contact.


Slippery Elm also helps to stimulate the body's own production of mucus, a protective substance secreted by mucosal tissues lining the gastrointestinal tract.


Slippery Elm is frequently employed for its coating and antitussive properties and is a traditional Native American remedy for GI irritations.


In addition to soothing demulcents, Slippery Elm bark powder contains small amounts of astringent tannins that may be helpful in firming up loose stools.

Check out our choice for slippery elm here.


turmeric root and powder


Turmeric is a warming herb that can help to improve gastric motility, calm, soothe, and help to support healthy bile flow.

20 drops in water, 2-3 times a day with meals.

Check our choice for farm-to-bottle turmeric root, formulated by an incredible herbalist.

field of grass by a lake

Herbs can be powerful helpers in your gut garden. Use them properly and watch your garden flourish. The right herb can make all the difference.


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