The gut garden pollinators and earthworms
They may be small in size, but these proteins play a huge role in the health of your gut and your body.

A class of proteins present in the serum and cells of the immune system, which function as antibodies.

Immunoglobulin G is the most common antibody in the body. It helps to protect your body against infection by "remembering" which pathogens your body has been exposed to before so that if they come back your immune system will remember to attack them.
Immunoglobulin A plays a crucial role in the immune function of mucus membranes.
Immuneglobulin M is largest antibody and the first to show up in response to an antigen. It is your first line of defense and helps to modulate immune function.

Immmunoglobulin Y is the major antibody found in birds, egg, reptiles, and lungfish.
It functions in a similar way to Immunoglobulin G in mammals.

Bovine serum IGG's are produced from bovine serum. They contain a range of immunoglobulins including IGG, IGA, and IGM.
It has been extensively researched for its role in healthy gut functions including gut lining, immune function, healthy bacterial balance, and normal bowel movements.

Colostrum is derived from the first milkings of a cow after giving birth.
It particularly rich in IGA, as well as having IGG and IGM.
It is especially beneficial in supporting healthy gut lining function as well as a healthy bacterial balance.
IGY's are derived from specially immunized chicken eggs.
These eggs produce antibodies to various pathogenic bacteria.
These IGY's help to support healthy immune function, cytokine balance, gut lining, bacterial balance, normal bowel movements, and much, much more!

There are a couple differences between using IGG and IGY. The first is the IGY powders tend to contain a higher concentration of immunoglobulins per gram than IGG powders.
The second and most important is that unlike IGG, IGY does not have the ability to bind to FC receptors.
This makes it much safer to use than IGG, because it does not have the same risks of inciting an overreaction of the immune system.

Immunoglobulins help the body in a number of ways including a healthy cytokine balance, bacterial balance, gut lining, immune function, and much more!
Cytokines are proteins that have a large number of effects in the body. Sometimes the body gets a little too excited and releases too many cytokines.
This can lead to a number of health issues. Certain immunoglobulins, like IGY, help to support healthy levels of these cytokines, because you can have too much of a good thing.

Keeping a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria is the next step to a healthy gut. Think of this as weeding the garden. If you get too many weeds than the garden will not grow properly.
Immunoglobulins help to inhibit the adhesion of bad bacteria without harming the good bacteria. These bad bacteria are then flushed out without the die off effect caused by a lot of supplements. This allows your good bacteria to thrive.
Immunoglobulins are best way to ensure that you have a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria in our gut!
The health of the gut begins with the lining. When the lining becomes unhealthy, bad things can happen.
The lining is held together by tight junctions. When these junctions start to come apart, it is often called "leaky gut". This is actually a bad name for it, because it is a symptom not an actual disease. We prefer the term "tight-junction dysfunction".
Zonulin is a protein that modulates the permeability of these tight junctions.
Immunoglobulins help to support healthy zonulin levels which in turn help to support a healthy gut lining.

Immunoglobulins support healthy immune function through a variety of mechanisms. Since they have an impact on a number of immune related functions, they provide a much bigger benefit than traditional immune supporting supplements which may only support one part of the immune system.

There are a number of important factors when choosing a colostrum supplement.
The first is ethical. The cows should grass-fed and prefferebly on a regenerative agriculture based farm. Since it derived from the first milking of a cow after giving birth, it is important that plenty of it is reserved for the calf. This is one of many reseaons why it is essential to be able to trace the product back to the farm it came from. Without knowing the farm, you cannot know whether the cows are being treated properly.
The second is the collection and drying methods. The array of beneficial compounds in colostrum such as immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, enzymes and much more, are very fragile.
The colostrum should be processed in the following manner:
It is collected in sterilised stainless steel tanks, stored below the glass temperature to stop spoilage, then flash-pasteurised at 72°C for 15 seconds, long enough to kill any pathogenic microbes but not long enough to damage the delicate bioactive elements of colostrum.
The pasteurised colostrum is then freeze dried to maintain the bioactivity and nutritional value of the original colostrum.
Avoid colostrum products with flavorings and sweeteners added.
You can see our choice for ethically sourced and properly made colostrum here.

SBI's (serum-derived bovine immunoglobulin/protein isolates) are produced from bovine plasma, in the United States and New Zealand.
The process of production is tightly controlled to ensure that the fragile compounds are intact.
It contains over 180 unique proteins and many of the same immunoglobulins and growth factors found in colostrum.
They are tested to be free of BSE (the prion that causes mad cow disease).
When choosing an SBI supplement look for this symbol on the label:
Avoid SBI products with flavorings or sweeteners added.
You can see our choice for SBI here.

IGY's are produced by innoculating chickens, causing them to produce various antibodies that they then pass along to the eggs.
These eggs are then collected, and then low temperature dried.
A true whole food product.
From an ethical standpoint, it is important that the chickens are well taken care of and allowed to truly be free range and enjoy the outdoors.
Healthy, happy, chickens will produce higher levels of immunoglobulins, so by taking care of them, they care of us.
Avoid IGY products with flavorings and sweeteners added.

Immunoglobulins should be taken daily. Their effects build over time.
The longer you take them the better the effects.
They can be taken with any cold food or beverages. Avoid taking them with hot food and beverages, as the heat will degrade them.

Getting the happy gut equation right will help you to live a happier, healthier life.
IGY's + prebiotics + probiotics + healthy diet + stress relief = A happy gut!
Great prebiotic foods include citrus fruits, berries, garlic, onions, root vegetables, and raw cacao,
Great probiotic foods include yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi.
Immunoglobulins are a key part of the happy gut equation.
Just as pollinators and earthworms are important for a healthy garden, immunoglobulins are important for your gut garden. These small proteins pack a big punch and provide benefits that cannot be matched by probiotics and prebiotics.