Nose To Tail Center
Unique organ meat benefits

Each Organ Meat Provides Unique Benefits

Adrenal is a great organ meat for those who are fatigued. It can help to support your adrenal glands and when eaten with a source of vitamin A (vitamin a is needed for the production of adrenal hormones), such as liver, it can help to support healthy adrenal hormone production.
If eating adrenal is not for you, then adrenal capsules are a great way to get the benefits.

Blood has been traditionally used in cooking around the world, from blood sausage in Scotland to Tiben Gyurma.
It is rich is heme iron, b vitamins, vitamin C, and minerals such as phosphorus.
Blood is perfect for those who are low in iron and suffer from the side effects that result from
If eating blood is not for you then blood capsules are a great way to get the benefits.

Bone marrow contains a wealth of nutrients and is one of the best offal to start with and it is an amazing food to build health, especially during pregnancy.
Mothers-to-be will benefit greatly from its easy-to-digest, concentrated nourishment.
It contains many fat-soluble vitamins missing from most people's diets, such as vitamin K2 (as MK-4), vitamin A, omega-3, amino acids such as glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline.
It also contains hyaluronic acid and glycosaminoglycans.
If eating bone marrow is not for you then bone marrow capsules are a great way to get the benefits.


Brain is incredibly rich and nourishing.
It is rich in omega-3 DHA, phospholipids (including phosphatidylserine), the minerals selenium and copper, and vitamins b5 and b12, as well as a host of other beneficial compounds.
Brain helps to support healthy brain function, healthy focus and concentration, healthy nerve function, and a restful nights sleep.
If eating brain is not for you, then whole brain capsules are a great way to get the benefits.

Heart is the richest food source of coq10. It is also rich in b12, b2, b3, copper, zinc, and iron, as well as containing large amounts of collagen.
Heart is great for energy and endurance, as well as heart, connective tissue, and joint health.
If eating heart is not for you, then heart capsules are a great way to get the benefits.
Whole bone is rich in bioavailable calcium and phosphorus, in an ideal 2:1 ratio, in forms that are extremely beneficial for bone and teeth health.
It also contains type I collagen, essential trace minerals, and bone supporting peptides (IGF I & II, TGF β, Osteocalcin) that nourish and support the whole skeletal system.
If eating whole bones is not for you, then whole bone capsules are a great way to get the benefits.

Intestines and tripe are rich in collagen, enzymes, proteins, glutamine, selenium, zinc, b12, and much, much, more.
Intestines and tripe are great to soothe the gut, support a healthy gut lining and are easy to digest.
They are perfect for those who need deep nourishment, but cannot seem to find any foods that agree with them.
If eating intestines and tripe is not for you, then intestines with tripe capsules are a great way to get the benefits.

Kidney is a rich source of b-12, selenium, iron, copper, zinc, and the enzyme DAO.
DAO is an enzyme that helps to break down excess histamine in the body.
Kidney is great for those who want to support healthy histamine levels.
If eating kidney is not for you, then kidney capsules are a great way to get the benefits.
Liver is natures multivitamin. It is rich in vitamins A,D,E,K2 (as MK-4), b12, folate, and minerals such as iron, copper, and zinc.
Liver is incredibly nutrient dense, pound for pound, no other food can match its nutrient content.
If eating liver is not for you, then liver capsules are a great way to get the benefits.

Lung is rich in vitamins C, b12, b2, b3, b5, as well as the minerals copper, zinc, iron, selenium and potassium.
Lung is rich in compounds that support healthy circulation and veins.
Unfortunately, the selling of lung for human consumption is banned in the United States.
However, you can get lung capsules which provide all the same benefits as eating it fresh.

Mammary is a rich source of enzymes, peptides, and beneficial compounds.
If eating it is not for you, then mammary capsules are a great choice.
Pancreas is rich in b2, b5, b12, and phosphorus.
Pancreas is also rich in enzymes. These enzymes help to digest and breakdown fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
Pancreas is a great food for those who suffer from digestive issues.
If eating pancreas is not for you, then pancreas capsules are a great way to get the benefits.
The pituitary gland is a hormonal regulatory endocrine gland located at the base of the brain near the hypothalamus and helps to regulate bodily functions.
Think of your pituitary gland as the conductor of your hormonal system.
Since it's always active‚ the pituitary gland can become worn out as you age; this may also slow the rate of hormone production. This can lead to poor functioning in the organs that your pituitary gland controls.
If eating it is not for you, then pituitary capsules are a great way to get the benefits.
Traditional Cultures and Ancestral Healers prepared Placenta to nourish pregnant and nursing mothers, for proteins exclusively expressed in placental tissue to nourish a growing fetus and newborn.
We now know that the Whole Placenta provides heme iron, vitamins d3, b6, b12, selenium, and CRH the body needs to regulate stress and make endorphins, which help control mood.
Placenta is perfect for new moms, to help them feel nourished, energized, and uplifted.
If eating placenta is not for you, then placenta capsules are a way to get the benefits.

Spleen is the richest food source of heme-iron. It is also rich in b3, b12, and vitamin C.
Spleen is great for those who are low in iron.
Unlike traditional iron supplements it does not cause constipation or upset stomach.
If eating spleen is not for you, then spleen capsules are a great way to get the benefits.

Tallow, also known as rendered suet, is a beneficial fat rich in the fatty acids, including strearic acid. Make sure to get tallow from kidney fat, as tallow made from fat from other areas is not as beneficial.
This incredible fat is especially beneficial for those seeking healthy hormones, bones, and a healthy pregnancy.
If eating tallow is not for you, then tallow capsules are a great way to get the benefits.

Testicle, aka rocky mountain oysters, are rich in zinc and support a healthy libido.
If eating testicle is not for you, then testicle capsules are a great way to get the benefits.

Thymus, also known as sweetbreads, is a rich source of b5, b12, vitamin C, and selenium.
It also contains several compounds that help to support a healthy immune system.
Thymus is a great food for those who feel their immune system needs some additional support.
If eating thymus is not for you, then thymus capsules are a great way to get the benefits.

Getting these incredibly nourishing foods in your diet is so important for your health.
Check out our recipe page for delicious ways to get them in your diet.
Or if you think you cannot eat them (at least try some for us, come on), then capsules are an easy way to take them. You will get all the same benefits as eating them in a convenient form.
No matter which way you choose, your body will thank you.