Rooted Nutrition's Values
Rooted Nutrition's Ethical Values
Ethics Above All
Ethics is at the forefront of everything we do.
We work hard to source ethically produced products, and ethical concerns trump all others in determining what we carry.
We build ethical considerations into everything we do. Nothing else matters if we don't get ethics right.
Stay Local
We donate a portion of our profits to a variety of charities, such as:
Food pantries
Organizations working to reduce youth suicide.
Organizations working to support Ukraine during their war with Russia.
Organizations working towards peace between Israel and Palestine.
Organizations working to promote regenerative farming.
Organizations working to improve life for farm laborers.
Organizations working to help the homeless.
Food Pantries
We buy as much as we can from local suppliers and vendors. Purchasing from local suppliers helps to ensure that money stays in the community.
Doing Our Part
We support the Clean Seas campaign, which aims to engage governments, the general public, and the private sector in the fight against marine plastic pollution.
We use post-consumer recycled paper products, such as printer paper made from waste materials like coffee cups and to-go containers. The recycling is done in the United States, not shipped to China.
We partner with an incredible company called Ecoenclose to supply most of our shipping materials. We strive for post-consumer recycled shipping materials that are curbside recyclable.
We purchase only certified refurbished electronics, such as computers, to reduce electrical waste, which is one of the most hazardous and hard-to-recycle materials.
We only sell supplements containing ingredients that have been sustainably farmed or wild-harvested and do not sell any herbs or other materials that are threatened or endangered.
We strongly support regenerative agriculture and believe it is vital to the planet's future health. We strive to source supplements made with ingredients grown using this form of agriculture.
We are strong proponents of the Ulster County Bring Your Own Bag Act, which banned single-use plastic bag distribution at most retail establishments in our county as of July 2019.
We get most of our energy from renewables, including solar.
We strive to be a net negative waste company, going beyond zero waste. Not only do we repurpose over ninety percent of the materials we receive (boxes, packing materials, etc.), but employees are encouraged to bring clean boxes and packing materials from home to be repurposed at our facility. This removes a massive amount of material from waste streams and reduces the need to create new materials.
Creating A Healthy Work Environment
We were early adopters of the $15/hr minimum wage. Our starting wage is now $25/hr.
Employee schedules are highly flexible, ensuring workers can spend as much time as possible with their families.
We encourage all non-warehouse employees to work from home, which enables a better quality of life and is also much better for the environment.
We offer an extensive benefits package that includes paid sick and mental health days, profit sharing, vacation, maternity, paternity, and family leave that goes above and beyond the requirements.
We encourage and support the collective bargaining rights of all employees.
We do not believe in nor use practices, such as non-compete clauses, which are detrimental to workers.
NONE OF OUR ARTICLES Or information on our site ARe Written by AI
Accurate Information
While AI and chatbot programs are fun, they are rife with misinformation and often give the wrong answers.
We feel that it is best to avoid their use.
We asked one popular chatbot several supplement-related questions, and the answers were all very wrong.
We recommend that you not rely on them and that if you use them, verify any information you receive with a trusted source.
All of our content is written by real people and always will be!