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Why should you use Alaska Rhodiola Rosea Tincture?


Most of the world’s supply of Rhodiola rosea comes from wild fields in the mountains of Russian Siberia and northern China. In the wild, these plants can take decades to grow, and they are harvested without much thought given to the sustainability of the species.


At least in Russia, they are “red-listed” (requiring permits), but of course, there is also quite a black market there due to their value, and permits are often purchased without any verification.


Unfortunately, there is no such protection in China, and often, when sold as “Rhodiola,” they may be species other than Rhodiola rosea, such as Rhodiola Crenulata. Indeed, there are many additional concerns about cleanliness, purity, and quality, especially in Rhodiola from China.


In 2009, as an experiment, Dr. Petra Illig tried to grow Rhodiola rosea in her front yard in Anchorage to see how they might grow in Alaskan farms. They did very well to her delight, and she started 100,000 seedlings over the next two winters. She convinced a few farmers to put them in their fields, and when it was clear that the plants were loving it, she started a farmer’s co-op to start an agricultural industry in Alaska. However, since there was no instruction book on how to do this, much had to be learned the hard way. Fortunately, the plants are incredibly hardy and forgiving as long as the winters are cold and the summers are not too hot or dry.


For one, it takes Rhodiola rosea at least five years in carefully tended fields to reach the state of maturity required to produce potent rosavin and salidroside levels at the same concentrations as in mature wild roots. For another, it takes a lot of hand weeding, as the plants do not grow well when crowded out by local weeds.


The natural environment (niche) for Rhodiola rosea is high in cold mountains where other plants cannot grow. Therefore, when brought down to elevations where people live and farm, local weeds can quickly crowd them out and stunt their root development. And, of course, one cannot use any form of pesticide and herbicides as they must remain uncontaminated by synthetic pesticides. Fortunately, moose don’t like to eat them, and no other pests have been associated with Alaskan rhodiola crops.


They have now had a few years of harvest experience and are proud that they produce Rhodiola rosea roots in pristine Alaskan soils on par with roots from wild harvests. Since their farmers operate ethically and organically, they also know that they are producing the highest quality product in a sustainable manner. Most importantly, as the world demand for Rhodiola rosea grows, they can alleviate the stress of this threatened species in the wild by supplying the finest cultivated Rhodiola rosea on the planet. And, best of all, it’s made in the USA!


When you buy Alaskan grown Rhodiola Rosea tinctures, you know that you are getting the freshest and highest quality possible, while supporting Alaskan family farmers.


  • Why is the tincture made with alcohol?

    The ingredients impart color and flavor to R. rosea, which are quite soluble in water. That is why Rhodiola tea has such a rich reddish color and rose-like fragrance, along with the bitter, somewhat tannin taste. The constituents that provide health benefits, primarily rosavins and salidrosides, are better dissolved in an organic solvent such as ethanol (i.e., alcohol). Therefore, to extract as much of the entire spectrum of compounds out of the root, it is best to use water/ethanol. We have experimented with various concentrations and found that 75% alcohol / 25% water seems to be the best in pulling out the essential ingredients while also keeping enough of the color and flavor intact.


Ingredients: Alaskan Rhodiola Rosea root, alcohol, Alaskan Glacial water


How to Take Rhodiola Rosea Tincture: 


The dose is different for everyone – some people feel well with a small amount, like one dropperful, others need more. Unless you have used Rhodiola before, please start at a low dose, as some people are sensitive to the effects. Start with one dropperful in the morning for a couple of days. You can advance it to 2-3 dropperfulls or add an early afternoon dose if you need an energy boost.


Because the taste of the tincture can be intense, most people will dilute it in a small amount of water or add it to a beverage of their choice.


It is best taken on an empty stomach for about twenty minutes before eating, as food will slow down the absorption. Please note: When you squeeze the pipette, it fills up only halfway, which is a dropperful. This is 0.5 mL. Some people take Rhodiola only if they think they need it while dealing with a particular issue. Others take it regularly for extended times or with breaks in between. It’s a personal choice.


FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Alaska Rhodiola Rosea Tincture - 2 oz

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