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IGY Max Plus helps to support healthy GI comfort and function with a revolutionary ingredient called IgY Max.


IgY Max is made from specifically immunized, powdered whole chicken eggs containing antibodies against 26 commonly human-encountered pathogenic microbes.


Similar to how bovine colostrum or serum contains Immunoglobulin G (IgG) compounds, avian eggs and hyperimmune egg powder contain Immunoglobulin Y (IgY) compounds.


These immunoglobulins harness and convey the natural benefits of passive immunity, i.e., the process by which a gestating or lactating mother transfers antibodies to her offspring.


The IgY antibodies in hyperimmune egg powder have been shown only to affect pathogenic microbes while leaving beneficial probiotics intact, without the die-off side effects associated with many supplements. Reducing competition from non-beneficial species clears the way for friendly flora to multiply and populate the gut, potentially helping to enhance GI comfort and function.


IGY Max also helps to support healthy histamine levels and healthy production of Diamine oxidase (DAO). DAO is an enzyme that helps to break down histamine in the gut. 


Through its support of healthy zonulin levels, it helps to support healthy intestinal barrier function. 


While not technically a probiotic supplement, the hyperimmune egg powder helps to prevent the attachment of unfavorable microbes and supports healthy mucosal function in the human GI tract. It supports the growth of beneficial microbial species and helps to promote overall GI health. In addition to supporting a healthy gut microbiome, hyperimmune egg powder supports healthy cytokine activity.


IgY offers several advantages over IgG and colostrum supplements: 


• IgY is more economical. Per unit, chicken eggs contain 20 times the immunoglobulins of serum-derived IgG. 


• IgY, which comes from eggs, is collected more easily & non-invasively than IgG derived from bovine milk or blood. 


• IgY antibodies offer a highly specific, rapid and local onset of action.


 • IgY exhibits less non-specific binding with human complement system, which helps to reduce the risk of overreaction that can sometimes happen with IGG products.


IGY MAX helps to support regularity and the migrating motor complex. The migrating motor complex (MMC) is a very important but rarely discussed part of digestive health. 


The MMC is particularly active between meals, helping to move food along the digestive tract. Think of the MMC as housekeeping for the stomach and digestive tract. It propels undigested matter and other things into the colon. The longer someone goes between eating, the more effective it can be. During the actions of the MMC, an increase in other digestive secretions, such as biliary and pancreatic fluids, is seen.


This product also contains arabinogalactan, a soluble fiber prebiotic derived from US-grown larch trees. Arabinogalactan helps to support healthy levels of lactobacillus and bifidobacteria in the gut and supports a healthy immune system. 


Think of IGY Max Plus as the gardener for your gut. By supporting the overall health of your gut, not just one aspect, it makes your gut more hospitable for your good bacteria, probiotics (think of them as as the seeds) to grow.


Suggested Use: Take four capsules twice per day or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.


Servings per 240 capsules - 30


IGY Max Plus is free of gluten and sugar and contains no hormones, genetically modified organisms, or antibiotics.


FDA DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Igy Max Plus - Immunoglobulin IGY DF - 240 caps

Price Options
One-time purchase
IGY Max Subscription
$69.95every month until canceled

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