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NXGEN Wholefoods Lake Eyre Organic Beef Tallow is the best choice for cooking!


This very special tallow is made from kidney suet. It is much more firm than most tallow, which are not made from kidney suet. It is higher in stearic acid than softer tallows.


NXGEN Wholefoods Lake Eyre Beef Tallow is 100% organic, grass-fed, paleo, and GAPS friendly.


It is ethically farmed with the highest animal welfare standards. It is rich in beneficial fats that support health. Grass-fed tallow is far healthier and better for you than vegetable oils. It's time to switch out your inflammatory vegetable and seed oils for something better!


Tallow from suet is rich in:


CLA - Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Palmitoleic acid - Omega-Seven

Palmitic Acid

Omega Fatty Acids


NXGEN Beef Tallow is sourced from Lake Eyre Beef in Central Australia that graze only on native grasses unique to Australia and rich in minerals and vitamins. The soil in the grazing areas in Central Australia is untouched by synthetic chemicals and is rich in nutrients and minerals. Humanely raised and grown, sustainably sourced beef. Cattle are free to roam for thousands of miles in Australia's outback.


NXGEN Wholefoods provides organic, regeneratively farmed, grass-fed, grass-finished beef

organs and glands sourced from Australian farms. They are the only company globally

with over fifty years of meat industry experience and qualifications to harvest and

collect the perfect quality glands and organs. This is unlike the vast majority of beef organ and desiccated organ supplement companies that do not manufacture their raw materials or finished products and have no relationship with the farms the organs come from.


The NXGEN Wholefoods range of organs and glands is sourced from the ancient and untouched soils and land of Lake Eyre in South Australia, where the ranches are as large as Texas. The cattle thrive on native grasses and roam freely for thousands of miles in an area where no cropping occurs. So, there’s no glyphosate spraying or overdrift from neighboring properties. The cows are not given hormones and antibiotics. Their cattle are the cleanest source of organs and glands, providing the benefits of unique, natural peptides, vitamins, and minerals.


NXGEN Whole Foods is vertically integrated, meaning they have full control of all parts of

the sourcing and manufacture from farm to capsule. They buy restaurant-grade organs and

glands and inspect them firsthand; they own and operate the freeze-drying technology and

process. They use cryogenic milling, so all of their desiccated organs are glands are 100%

non-defatted. The final process of encapsulation and packing is done in their state-of-the-art

factory in NSW, Australia. They manufacture small batches for freshness and use one

of the most gentle freeze-drying processes to keep all the nutrients intact, so each

capsule is equivalent to eating the raw organ and gland without the mess, but with the

convenience of knowing food safety and food quality is the best.


All batches are third-party tested for purity and safety.


FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

NXGEN Wholefoods Lake Eyre Organic Beef Tallow - 350 ml

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