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Farm To Bottle Colostrum

Colostrum can have powerful health benefits, but only if it's made right.

cows in a field
SGD Australian Colostrum

SGD Colostrum

South Gippsland Dairy has a simple philosophy which is to create the best colostrum in the world.

They are based in South Gippsland, the heart of Australia’s clean, green dairy industry.

They are a family owned and run business that started by collecting colostrum from their own farm.

Grass-fed cows

Truly Grass-Fed Colostrum

The best colostrum comes from 100% grass-fed and finished cows. 

Unfortunately, a lot of colostrum is made from cows that are fed significant amounts of grains. 

By having a relationship with each farm they source from they know exactly how the cows are being raised and what they are fed.

Colostrum is collected from cows that are raised and fed on grass pastures year round, enabling them to gain the natural immunity from all seasons and their natural environment. Colostrum is not collected off intensive feedlot farms. 

cow and calf

First-Milking Colostrum

Colostrum should be collected in the first 8-12 hours when the concentration of beneficial nutrients and compounds is at its highest. After that, amounts begin to decline. 

Collecting it at the right time is critical to getting the best and most effective colostrum. Many companies buy colostrum collected much later in the process because it is significantly less expensive but will not be as beneficial.


Many companies have even begun producing colostrum products from milk collected many days after, which will have virtually no benefit but is very profitable.

SGD only uses 8-12 hour colostrum and only takes what the calves do not need, ensuring they get all that they need to be healthy.

golden yellow colostrum powder

Golden Yellow Colostrum

Colostrum should be golden yellow in color, not white. 

A lot of colostrum products are refined, made from milk collected far too late, or improperly dried, leading to a loss of beneficial compounds in it.

If your colostrum is white, it's not made right!

freeze dryer

Freeze-Dried Colostrum

Many of the important compounds in colostrum are fragile. They need to be gently dried and processed in order to prevent them from being degraded. Unfortunately, nearly all  colostrum is high-heat spray dried, which can damage or denature them.

SGD colostrum is gently freeze-dried to preserve the full range of beneficial compounds.

There is no membrane processing done, which can alter important compounds.


Non-Defatted Colostrum

One of the biggest brands, which is currently spending a fortune on TV commercials and advertising, proudly claims that they remove “unnecessary” compounds like fat and casein to produce a more concentrated product that is richer in certain compounds. There are multiple problems with this. The biggest one is that the casein in colostrum plays a vital role in its effectiveness.


“Casein may also play a role in preserving the activity and aiding adsorption of other biologically active peptides by reducing their digestion by pancreatic enzymes, by means of functioning as a competitive substrate. This action is similar to that reported for bovine trypsin inhibitor, which protects IgGs, growth factors, and other biologically active proteins against proteolytic degradation within the gut. Bovine trypsin inhibitor is present in BC at about 100 times higher concentrations than mature milk. Studies have demonstrated that the co-presence of casein partially protects epidermal growth factor (EGF) from digestion in humans, and that the stability and absorption of IGF-1 is also improved. Casein also possesses other metabolic and protective effects including protective activity against experimental bacteraemia through increasing myelopoiesis. Therefore, casein should not only be considered as an energy source but also as a factor that possesses immune-regulatory, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.”


So, while some companies may view casein as “unnecessary,” they are wrong, and it should not be removed. Without it, the effectiveness of colostrum would be significantly lower. Higher levels of “active” ingredients do not mean much if they are not going to survive the digestive process and be able to be utilized by the body.

Another large colostrum company claims that defatted colostrum is best. They say that the fat does not have beneficial nutrients or compounds, and you need to take the fat out to prevent it from going rancid. This is simply not true. Properly drying, manufacturing, and storage methods will prevent the fat from going rancid.


In addition, colostrum fat has many nutrients, such as CLA, an important and beneficial fatty acid.

It never ends well when we mess around with whole foods, thinking we know better. The intricate relationship between nutrients and compounds is not something that is fully understood. Holism is the philosophy we should follow when it comes to food. 

whole food supplement

Whole-Food Colostrum

Another large colostrum company claims that defatted colostrum is best. They say that the fat does not have beneficial nutrients or compounds, and you need to take the fat out to prevent it from going rancid. This is simply not true. Properly drying, manufacturing, and storage methods will prevent the fat from going rancid.


In addition, colostrum fat has many nutrients, such as CLA, an important and beneficial fatty acid.

It never ends well when we mess around with whole foods, thinking we know better. The intricate relationship between nutrients and compounds is not something that is fully understood. 

It never ends well when we mess around with whole foods, thinking we know better. The intricate relationship between nutrients and compounds is not something that is fully understood. Holism is the philosophy we should follow when it comes to food. 


“Holism is the theory that parts of a whole are in intimate interconnection, such that they cannot exist independently of the whole, or cannot be understood without reference to the whole, which is thus regarded as greater than the sum of its parts.”

SGD colostrum is 100% whole food colostrum.

the farm to bottle project

Farm-To-Bottle Colostrum

All SGD Colostrum comes from their farms to ensure that only the best Colostrum is collected.


All products can be traced back to the farm of origin and is quality controlled for each cow. South Gippsland Dairy  does not blend or import Colostrum from outside sources into their products.

It is hand harvested from a very small and select number of family farms.


By harvesting this way, local farmers get both the benefit of their production and in return can meticulously collect the excess Colostrum. The high levels of antibodies and growth factors in their products occur naturally and are balanced by nature.

They do not standardize or alter the amounts of any compound.

They built their plant from the ground up to specialize in the proper production of colostrum. It was not a side project added on later.

how to?

How To Use Colostrum

Colostrum is best taken apart from meals.

Take two grams or capsules per day or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

The powder should be mixed into cold beverages or foods like applesauce and yogurt.

Store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture.

What to look for in a colostrum supplement


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